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Smart technology is the solution for safer communities!
One of Wales’ largest housing associations is tackling anti-social behaviour, hate crime and domestic violence with an unlikely weapon – smart technology! RCT Homes’ anti-social behaviour case management has been transformed, thanks to mobile technology from a...
Improving Performance, It’s not just about the numbers
CIPFA (Chartered Institute for Public Finance & Accountancy) recently held it Annual Wales Conference, a key event for those working within and looking at improving performance within public services in Wales. The expressed consideration and highlighted theme...
2015 CIPWA Wales Conference – Huw Vaughn Thomas
Housing Futures – CHC Annual Conference 2015
Last week we attended Community Housing Cymru's Annual Conference 'Housing Futures' at the Hilton Hotel in Cardiff. Housing FuturesHigh on the agenda and of particular interest to us was the memorandum of understanding between Community Housing Cymru and Public...
Introduction to Health and Housing
Appropriate housing can improve health and well being; but poor housing conditions has been proven to damage health, particularly in relation to asthma, damp and mould. In children, the effects can last a lifetime, the relationship between health and housing is very...