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Crime in England and Wales Report 2014
This quarterly release presents the most recent crime statistics from two different sources: the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) (previously known as the British Crime Survey), and police recorded crime. It also draws on data from other sources to provide a...
Police urged to lead Multi-Agency Working
A recent report by the Universities Police Science Institute discovered that a high proportion of ASB victims are vulnerable repeat callers who experienced intimidation or repercussions as a direct result of reporting ASB to the police. A spokesman for the institute...
Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014
The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 received royal assent on 13 March 2014.The act will introduce simpler, more effective powers to tackle anti-social behaviour that provide better protection for victims and communities.To find out more – Click here...
Tackling anti-social behaviour and domestic abuse in Welsh communities
We will be exhibiting at and sponsoring the following event. Safer communities 2014Thursday 13 February 2014, Cardiff. Housing, landlord and supporting people services are increasingly expected to take an active role in tackling both anti-social behaviour...
There are currently no vacancies listed for Locality.However if you'd like to send us a CV for consideration, please get in touch. GET IN TOUCH
Our hints and tips
Have you seen a position or role you wish to apply for? Here are some helpful hints and tips to get you started. When applying First things first, Take your time. When you apply for a job, ensure it is right for you and that means understanding whether we are the...