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Co-creating for better public services #refugeeweek
In this period of austerity, the focus for public sector bodies in the UK is to ensure people, processes and technology are lined up to deliver more effective citizen-centred public services and improve joined up working in society.We’re in a time where radical...
Pillars and Lessons of the Internet of Things from Jeremy Waite
So what is the Internet of things?Well, The way we access the Internet has changed rapidly over the past few years, transitioning from desktops to mobile devices. Now, the Internet is expanding again — coming to all of the everyday devices found in our homes,...
Locality sponsors UKHA 2015 ‘Keeping Communities Safe’ Award
We are looking forward to attending the UK Housing Awards (UKHA 2015) on the 21st April 2015 hosted by CIH and Inside Housing.This year’s awards have attracted more than 250 entries from all over UK.Locality Solutions will be sponsoring and presenting the ‘Keeping...
Locality at NHS hack day
Last weekend, I was at NHS Hack Day Cardiff. Which is an event bringing together developers and healthcare professionals with the aim of getting more open source projects into the NHS. I'd heard of it a fair while ago, and heard of some success stories from previous...
Looking into the magic ball for 2015
What will 2015 bring for public sector technology? We’ve looked into our magic ball and here’s our top 5 predictions for 2015. 2015 is all about 'joined-up' working in a period of austerity; getting people, processes and technology in line to deliver a...
Merry Xmas from all of us at Locality Solutions!
We want to wish all our partners, clients and future clients a very Merry Christmas. It’s that time of the year where we get to put our feet up and take some time out to reflect on all the great things we’ve achieved and new lessons we’ve learnt in 2014! 2014 saw some...