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NHS Confederation
National Housing Federation Annual Conference 2015 – 25.09.15
Friday saw the conclusion of this years National Housing Federation Annual Conference. A particular highlight was the debate around the role that Housing can play in Health.
National Housing Federation Annual Conference 2015 – 24.09.15
Here's the story from Thursday at this years National Housing Federation's Annual Conference.[View the story "Thursday at the National Housing Federation's Annual Conference 2015" on Storify] [View the story "Thursday at the National Housing Federation's Annual...
A Designer’s Take on Coding
Advice I would give a designer looking to get into Coding? Any designer looking to brush up on their coding skills should definitely check out Codecademy and also the beautifully presented “HTML & CSS: Design and Build Web Sites” by Jon Duckett.
Understanding semi-colons and curly-brackets
In spirit of #NationalCodingWeek I thought I’d give my two cents on programming. So, should you learn to code? The short answer – yes!