“Information sharing and data innovation is at the heart of public sector reforms.”
Professor Miriam Lips

The new Well-being of Future Generations Act has become a global agenda with public services across the world. It highlights that information sharing can improve outcomes, focusing on how this sharing of vital information can help to create safer communities.

Pressures are being placed on local government, partner agencies and various public bodies to improve citizen services through a joined up approach of working, the Well-being Future Generations Act sets out to tackle this problem.


In terms of delivering a quality service to the community, the housing sector has seen the most progression through highlighting information sharing as an agenda. When looking at managing complex cases with circumstances of Anti-Social Behaviour, Domestic Violence and the needs of individuals in Supporting People this is especially the case. The Home Office advocates the use of IT Systems to share information between local agencies for a joined up approach to protect and support the most vulnerable in society.

Information Sharing

The Well-being of Future Generations Act has identified collaboration and prevention as two key ways public services should be working. Information sharing will be at the heart of this.

Through Locality’s Collaboration Module, timely and secure information sharing is enabled for successful multi-agency working within public sector and partner agencies.

  • Create a workspace for your teams and partner organisation’s to ensure vital information is shared for a more joined-up approach. This is especially important when dealing with complex high-risk Anti-Social Behaviour and Domestic Abuse cases.
  • Gain a 360 view of a person’s case. To provide better coordinated and accessible support services to improve outcomes for customers.
  • Invite internal staff or partner agencies to your workspace securely to share need to know information. By communicating incident-related information and identifying risks earlier, this will aid in early intervention efforts for your customers before risk of harm increases.
  • Access and upload information from mobile devices and share with authorised parties in just a few clicks. This ensures all information on your workspace is up to date and delivered in real-time, allowing for partner agencies to proactively manage cases and support victims.
  • Secured instant messaging tools and conference capabilities allowing you to keep in touch with internal teams and external partners remotely.

Public sector is looking to find innovative solutions to reduce costs whilst improving service delivery. Locality focuses on delivering a future-proofed, cost efficient platform to enable greater information sharing between public services and partner agencies who are looking at creating generations of safer communities.